Vengeance | Teen Ink


May 3, 2019
By Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you do good. You do good? You win.

You wake up

You can still breathe

You hate it


Why me

Look in the mirror

Pull up your sleeves

There’s only scars

But forever they’ll bleed

You hear the doorknob

Pull up the sleeves

Cannot afford to let anyone see

Can’t let them know you weep

Hold up your image

And protect the weak

Hold up your  friends

And family in need

The drugged mom

The self harming friend

The anorexic Lover

The dad and his mead

They needed someone

Who’d take up the lead

Who knows what they’re doing

Whom with their sadness they’ll feed

The self starving Lover

covered in scars

Her stomache growls

For the last time

She starved to death

At her funeral you don’t cry

You’re glaring at her mother

Who caused her to die

Feeding her self doubt

And always asking why

Her daughter didn’t try

The self harming friend

Who was also your brother

He’d been your protector

Until the day he died

Talked you out of suicide

Over six times

Until the one day

He pulled the trigger himself

And let the bullets fly

You always blamed yourself

The cause of his death

You stressed him too much

And full of shame you cry

The father who came

Home late every Night

Drunken and tired

Him and mother fight

He died of a heart attack

The age of 25

The drugged mother couldn’t stand it

Went through her own heart

With a kitchen knife

The younger

And heartbroken sister

Been betrayed too many times

As she breaks down

There’s fire in your eyes

You seek to avenge them

Filled with such anger

She’s the last one alive

The only one left in your life

There’s no question

You’ll protect her

Tonight someone dies

You start with the mother

The one of your Lover

And while she sleeps

Her face with tape you cover

You hold her down

You watch her die

Her muffled

I’m Sorry!’s

Go in one ear

And out the other side

One deed is done

On to another

Onto your young

Fragile sister’s false Lover

You go to their house

On that same Night

Armed with a knife

You’ll end her life

You reach the window

They left it unlocked

You hurry in

Little time on the clock

You creep to their bed

Cut out their heart

Crush it in front of them

As understanding washes over them

And the life drains from their eyes

Another avenged

You take your sister to recover

A Lovely old couple

Who’ll give her a home

A home filled with Love


And her own room

You leave her there

Where she’ll be Loved

You use the dark of Night

To travel undercover

The last one to avenge

Is your older brother

You remember his smile

Haven’t seen it in a while

You wonder how to avenge him

And then you remember

He died because of you

You’re his avenger

You say to yourself;

I’ll see you soon

After an hour

Of hesitation

You avenge you brother

One life

For another

The author's comments:

A piece inspired by collected life stories and sudden inspration to do something with them.

Any capitalized letters in the middle of sentences are words that are important to me, that's a thing I do.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 28 2019 at 12:15 pm
AyanaTakenome, Denver, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This one is deep