Ode to Our Spot | Teen Ink

Ode to Our Spot

May 10, 2019
By emunterich BRONZE, Cornwall-On-Hudson, New York
emunterich BRONZE, Cornwall-On-Hudson, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A hidden little nook,

A place for our friends,

Wishing to prolong the time.

Past thick green pines

And trespassing signs,

That’s where my tranquility lies.

On the forbidden cliffside

Of a stranger’s yard,

The view would shatter your eyes.

It's not past dark,

But you can still see stars

Behind scarlet splattered skies.

Cracked screens stay hidden

In the pockets they’ve been in,

Plastered right onto our thighs.

No cameras that night,

Bickering nor fights.

Just watching the burning ball die.

Then we try to rest,

Through the nicks and the pecks

From famished mosquitoes and flies.

We sleep up there,

Wake up and stare

At the almighty promise

Of a brand new sunrise.

The author's comments:

My friends and I found this small clearing years ago. It is after the ends of every trail that goes near it, and it is our special spot. Granted it is technically someone's property, but we don't talk about that.

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