My Bitter Propellant | Teen Ink

My Bitter Propellant

May 13, 2019
By avandecaveye BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
avandecaveye BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sweet bitterness tickles the mouth.

Thick foam floats lazily on top,

Or rather just the half and half at iHop,

We mix and twist the sweetened sip,

To give us the edge we impatiently desire

Whether you call it Joe or Java

It’s warm intoxicating aroma

Fills the cup and our dreams.

At home, in the car,

Where it never is a liar.

Strengthening our vision

And keeping us from a collision.

Everyday or every hour

Let’s not forget to devour our power.

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