What is it about you? | Teen Ink

What is it about you?

May 15, 2019
By Sydneycaldwell2003 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Sydneycaldwell2003 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Family isn't something, it's everything

See, I can’t stop searching for the reason I’m falling for you. Is it your eyes, or is it the way they look at me? Is it your smile, or the dimples it makes on the side of your cheeks when you do? Is it the way you feel about me, or the way you make me feel? Is it your laugh, or the fact that you think I’m funny? Is it your taste in music, or the way you sing those songs driving with me in the passenger seat? Is it your soft hands, or the places they travel when you kiss me? Is it what you say, or the voice you use to talk to me in? Is it our chemistry, or a biological reaction of hormones? Is it things you do for me, or the way that you put forth an effort? Is it the fact that you drive me crazy, because I’m crazy about you. I wish I could give you an answer to all of these questions, but I know little to nothing. All I know is that I’m falling, and I’m falling faster than I thought I would. I just hope when I reach the ground, you’re waiting there to catch me.

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