I'm a Big Girl Now | Teen Ink

I'm a Big Girl Now

May 17, 2019
By avandecaveye BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
avandecaveye BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I step into a new place.

Meeting the faces I have heard about and their kind smiles displayed.

Trying to make me unaware that my mom isn’t there.

I’m okay.

I am a big girl now.

I shuffle along and do what I have to.

Although I’d rather be in the breeze of late summer.

Not here, what a bummer.

I rather be with my gals

Roaming with my neighborhood pals,

Eating when I’m hungry not when I’m told.

Building forts that will never hold.

Well, I know this is only the start

But I’m ready to be done after this march

Down the endless hallway to the same group

I feel like I being pushed into a never ending loop.

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