A victim, A survivor, A fighter | Teen Ink

A victim, A survivor, A fighter

June 19, 2019
By T-poems BRONZE, Bellvue, Colorado
T-poems BRONZE, Bellvue, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Telling an abuse survivor she's at peace now is like breaking a bird's wings and telling her she's free

Sometimes i feel it

An ache so deep and powerful that my breath abandons its lungs

A need to be kissed so sweet my lips want to hold the imprint so they can smile into its lingering press

Replace the only kiss my lips know

This one leaves painful forces stinging with tearful memories

If love could chase the lonely lust from my pale empty lips I would let them be kissed

But I remember why I scream to my blankets asking the stars to pull the pain from my chest

Dissolve its thick fog into deep foreboding cavities

Where damned souls drift up to find amity among suspended silence

She tries to tug me up there

The girl I tucked into the shadowed corners where she lay playing with the happy pieces; smiles laughter hope dreams desire connection


She'll never wear my scars and bruises nor will she understand the tears which fall from unburdened eyes

Hidden under every good memory I broke off my painful past

I feel her now

A white feather in my dark skies

Gold light just below the surface

Knocking death from my begging hands whispers in a hopeless mind, “Fight”

“Fight the ground your knees rest upon”

“The sky holding curious courage captive”

“Destroy walls enclosing love inside your lonely heart”

“Fight fear claiming freedom with strands of the past”

“Fight so you can know love devoid of chains”

“Laugh or cry or spread your wings and scream to the world I   dont give a s**t. What they say, or think.”

“Just fight”

The author's comments:

I wrote this about the the struggles of my childhood. This talks about how as i grew up i seperated from the happy innocent part of myself and protected her, letting myself get hurt. The end is about how that part saved me and  taught me to fight and heal.

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