Capilano Vancouver Suspension Bridge | Teen Ink

Capilano Vancouver Suspension Bridge

October 9, 2019
By hayleearmstrong SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
hayleearmstrong SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One step after another, I walk across the suspension bridge,  

each step adding fear. 

As I walk, I see beauty right in front of me, 

but fear still lingers. 

There are people who make it look easy, 

and others who don't even try. 

And I, at a steady pace, 

take this suspension bridge step by step. 

Sometimes the suspension bridge moves unexpectedly; 

this is when I pause to catch my balance. 

Sometimes the suspension bridge gets crowded; 

this is when I work around my obstacles. 

On this bridge, I stop to look at

marvelous mother nature. 

On this bridge, I stop to hear, 

the river crackling below me.

As I look back at my progress, 

I see how far I have come on this suspension bridge. 

I step foot onto the tan, sun-dried dirt, 

and as I let go of the bridge, I conquer my fears. 

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