Stop and Stare | Teen Ink

Stop and Stare

October 10, 2019
By Criversb15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Criversb15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The alarm clock sounds at six, awakening me from last night's dreams.

Time to get up and head to the lake before the morning sunlight beams.

I grab my pole and tackle box and head out the door,

excited to be on the big blue abyss I finally get to explore.

I exert my strength to get the kayak in the lake.

Peering in the distance, I feel wide awake.

The colors of the sunrise consume my eyes.

The warm yellow mixed with a cool purple fills the skies.

A sight so wonderful, I have to stop and stare. 

Clunk, splash—a fish makes a ripple and I remember why I’m there.

I throw my line under a grassy log that sits so peacefully in its place.

Fish swim around their little home with beauty and grace. 

Comfortable in my green kayak, I prepare myself for a bite. 

When I feel the tug, I yank and reel with my power and might. 

The fish breaks through the water.

I grab my scale, weigh the fish, and say, “This will make a great story.” 

The iridescent scales sparkle like a star against a dark sky.

I appreciate this small little life,

taking one last look, I say my goodbyes and

after a great catch, I’m satisfied for the day.

The author's comments:

Working with another generation (Ms. Jorgensen) helped me realize how our viewpoints on what is considered “beautiful” about  nature is much different. It opened my eyes to new types of beauty I had not thought of before. Throughout the writing process, our teacher provided edits, suggestions and corrections that helped polish and perfect our piece. Having a person from a different generation allowed us to combine viewpoints to create a piece that shows off many different types of beauty found in nature.

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