But Nothing Came To Mind | Teen Ink

But Nothing Came To Mind

December 10, 2019
By UncleDscore SILVER, Neenah, Wisconsin
UncleDscore SILVER, Neenah, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just do right." (Maya Angelou)

It’s that time again.

The time I go to my desk,

And wait.

I wait while the moon sends the world to rest.

I wait while the lamp shines a white

On the paper in front of me.

I wait for the holy nectar that is


I think of other things I’ve seen.

I think of things I’ve made.

I wait for an idea

Of what to create next.

The clock says I must rest,

I still wait for a few more minutes.

But the notebook remains empty another night.

Nothing came to mind.

The author's comments:

A poem dedicated to writer's block.

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