Advice From an Ant | Teen Ink

Advice From an Ant

October 1, 2020
By skyler_grunder BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
skyler_grunder BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stay out of the rain

It can swallow you whole

Carrying you away 

To a place you can’t return from 

If there’s a shadow over your head 

Get out of the way

Something is above you

And what goes up must come down

The smallest of those giants 

With sticky fingers 

And stains around their mouths 

Offer the most food 

Don’t be afraid to jump

The fall cannot hurt us

In fact, take a leap of faith

You might learn that you can fly

And the most important:


We can carry far more together

Than we ever could apart 

The author's comments:

This is one of my favorite pieces because it's lighthearted and silly, but the advice is true (especially when you're an ant). 

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