Untitled | Teen Ink


March 15, 2021
By 1lemay SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
1lemay SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Swaying in the disappearing light. An elevated peapod silhouette with one hand hanging out almost lifeless. Slowly the blinking eyes follow the sun as it makes its journey below the horizon. One blink more and the light will have completely vanished. 

The stream’s rushing water mixed with the soft sounds of the music. The crickets begin to chirp as her eyes gazed upon the dark silhouette of his featureless face. The sound of music begins to fade when the blood rushes towards her cheeks. 

The summer’s breeze cooling their tangled bodies while the hammock continues its screen sway. His breath growing hotter as he inches closer to her face. Knots tying in her stomach. Uncertainty causing his hair to brush against her forehead and move back with a jolt.

His nose tickling hers. The awkward giggle within the deafening silence. The creek of the tree as they swayed and the night marched on.  His face grew closer. Then jolted away with an unspoken fear. Forward. Back. Forward. Back. Forward. Back.

The author's comments:

I used my experience to write a very detailed and sensory-filled piece of writing. This is just a short piece trying to really work on my description.  

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