Finding Me | Teen Ink

Finding Me

March 15, 2021
By 1lemay SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
1lemay SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What am I not?

What am I not?

I am not very decisive.

Where should we eat?

What should we do? 

I am not very picky, 

unless it comes to food. 

I am not lazy. 

I am not good at balancing. 

When is it time for fun?

When can I rest? 

I am not emotionless, 

but I am not good at showing them. 

Should I tell them how I feel? 

I am not apathetic;

sometimes I feel bad for the tiniest of things. 

I am not extraordinary, 

nor am I ordinary.

Am I doing enough?

I am not crazy, 

nor am I sane. 

What am I not? 

What am I not?

I am not outspoken, 

but I am not going to let injustices go unscathed. 

I am not pessimistic;

almost too optimistic.

Can we really change the world?

Yes, of course, we can.

I am not a partier, 

but I am not a home-body. 

I am not selfish. 

What can I do for others?

I am not full of outlandish hopes, 

but I am not content with staying here.

How can I make my dreams a reality?

I am not one to regret the past, 

but I am one to learn from it.

What am I?

What am I?

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