An Evil Joke | Teen Ink

An Evil Joke

August 18, 2021
By zcbakerpike SILVER, St. John's, Newfoundland-Labrador
zcbakerpike SILVER, St. John's, Newfoundland-Labrador
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The phrase "trust me"

turns my stomach into

a friendship bracelet 

of perfectly aligned knots.


In the 21st century

trust is a joke

it means more to 

order a coffee

than to tell me

I can trust you.


I entered this world 

with bright eyes

and a perfect heart 

and look at me now.

My eyes dull

from the pain they carry

and my heart pasted together

with tears and lies.


Don't tell me to trust you

because I know that phrase 

means nothing to you

and everything to me.

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