For The Magical Fall | Teen Ink

For The Magical Fall

September 7, 2021
By Ananyaguha PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
Ananyaguha PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
24 articles 45 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If they strain me up tight, why, let 'em look out! I can't bear it, and I won't.” ---- Black Beauty

As I look out
Of the dim garret casement
At the gaily waving trees
With little golden leaflets
Falling down from their branches
Just like an amber rain
On the streets of the busy downtown

The mellow warmth
Of the garrish yellow sun
Shining its gaudy sunlight
On the plump strawberries and apples
Isn't it fascinating a sight?
To behold on the hardwood
On the streets of the busy downtown

Oh! Is that a substantial star cluster?
Resonating the daylight
Or a coterie of starlings
Trailing the autumn skylines?
Ay 'tis a coterie of starlings
Gliding and peering over the housetops
On the streets of the busy downtown

As I sit in my garret
Weaving the threads of fantasy
I see a maple tree with crimson leaves
Under which two hearts meet
The fingers of happy lovers interwined
As they sit under the blissful tree
On the streets of the busy downtown

Oh! How I love to lie down!
On a couch wrapped up so cozy
Watching the asters bloom
With a magnificent purple and red
Like starts blooming out 
From the gloom of the windowsill
On the streets of the busy downown

O Autumn! The delicate season
Soothing, sweet and fruitful
The season of reincarnation
When all the evil shall depart
And each and every soul
Shall be filled with happiness
Like the warm colours of your presence
On the streets of the busy downtown

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