Forever Freedom | Teen Ink

Forever Freedom

October 23, 2021
By Lisa-Mary-Paul PLATINUM, Copenhagen, Other
Lisa-Mary-Paul PLATINUM, Copenhagen, Other
47 articles 31 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
BeYOUtiful ✨

A strange sensation,

once it is felt we lose it the next second.

A bit like a wish that can never be fulfilled.


You strive for it,

You reach it,

You grab it.

It fades.


The question is how long

will we let this cycle continue,

Where does it end?


This is the 21st Century,

everyone should be able to hold on to it.

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on Feb. 3 2022 at 11:45 am
Lisa-Mary-Paul PLATINUM, Copenhagen, Other
47 articles 31 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
BeYOUtiful ✨

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