Kidnapper | Teen Ink


November 2, 2021
By Noya BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
Noya BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Clitter, clatter

Boots and heels and sneakers harmonizing


Pitter, patter

Water and wind and hail falling


Swish, swash

Hoods and umbrellas and cloaks as serpents


Wish, wash

Cars and windows and clouds wiping their sorrows


And a girl running

Coat sweeping behind


And a man chasing

Hood pulled up


And a scream

Darkness enclosing around

The author's comments:

It is a narrative poem piece that can either be interpreted as a real kidnapping or the feeling when you get into your own head. The overcomplication of human emotion.

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