Cian in Worryland | Teen Ink

Cian in Worryland

February 2, 2022
By stinkbuggy BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
stinkbuggy BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I'm sure there won't always be sunshine, but there's this momentary beam of light

inspired by wanda coleman

i get scared all the time

a child forever wanting to be held, 

running away to safety after the lights have been turned off 

i have been known to scare others, too 

i make toddlers cry out and call for their mothers 

all because i was too afraid of the storm outside

once, when i was 12, i tried to kill myself 

because i was too afraid of living 

than permanently leaving this earth 

how do i tell that 12 year old 

that i’ve now become terrified of dying?

The author's comments:

Ever since I was a child, I've always just been the type prone to worrying, prone to being afraid of the world. I find it hard to believe how close I was to leaving it, considering all my fears about the future now. Hopefully that all made sense, I hope you like it and know I love you & am so proud of how far you've come <3

(Inspired by Wanda Coleman's piece "Wanda in Worryland") 

TW// Mention of Suicide Attempt 

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