What She Dislikes | Teen Ink

What She Dislikes

February 16, 2022
By ElisabethMae BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
ElisabethMae BRONZE, Argyle, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ice on the street stays stagnant

As the air turns harsh and biting

The sky remains a saddened-sulky gray

And the clouds don't billow or curl

They simple shrink away

A few decorations of green and red hang left over

On doors and dining rooms and dens

But no songs can be heard

No ringing, or singing, or humming

The new year has glistened and gone

She sits on the steps and looks beyond

At the small gazebo crested in snow

Nothing happens in this month

nothing left but the sleepy-slime that sits


If Monday was a month, it would be this

Always looked over and always empty

January leaves nothing for her to hold on to

It merely sits and flies by

Giving time for the Christmas buzz to die

He always tried to make the month happy

Lift the spirits and calm the tides

His laugh made it bearable

But now it’s silent and still

Some people jump at the new start

Talking and working towards unachievable goals

Lazy and living like nothing is wrong

As the month moves by

Changing nothing at all

But for her, it is always gloomy

For it is always a reminder of another year

Another year without his smile

Another year alone

She always disliked January, now she knows why

The author's comments:

Sometimes one event can change how you see other things. In this instance, it changed how she views a whole month. 

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