What is friendship? | Teen Ink

What is friendship?

June 4, 2022
By Anonymous


A friend is a person that's there, But are you really there

You say you are, and yet your not

Friendship, it's just a word

Is there a true definition of friendship?

Or is it just a word 

For now I continue to smile

Say you are my friend 

Talking behind my back, avoiding me, ignoring me 

But nothings wrong 

Because that's the friendship I know 

You and me, forever

Or so you said 

How are you supposed to treat a friend?

Support each other, help each other, acknowledge each other

Be kind, be caring, be there

The way you used to treat me, and the way I treated you

I feel so confused, it was supposed to be me and you

Now what's left?

Our memories of what a friendship was like

Gone so fast and I have no idea how or why

Now it's just me and the thought of what we were supposed to be 


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