No more I'm sorry | Teen Ink

No more I'm sorry

November 7, 2022
By Anonymous

I'm sorry

I'm sorry 

I'm so incredibly sick of I'm sorry

I'm not sorry 

I've never been sorry

I don't have to apologize for being myself

You should be the one begging for forgiveness

On your knee weeping just as I have before

You come at me 

With a poisoned tongue 

Killing more and more of my dignity with each word

Why do I have to say sorry?

Why do you get to be the good guy?

You've been nothing but cruel 

I'm not sorry

I never was 

The author's comments:

I grew up in a world that you always say your sorry even if you don't see a problem. I'm sorry became and empty, worthless phrase. I found myself saying it so often I forgot what it meant. I'd say I was sorry when someone would wrong me. It's good to let go and not be angry, but you should never have to apologize for merely existing. Then when I came out, it got way worse. I would apologize for being gay even when I knew I couldn't control it. I wasn't really sorry but I made people believe I was. Until one day I couldn't pretend anymore. That's why I wrote this piece: for myself and for others who may experience the same thing.

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