Tranquillity in Nature’s Domain | Teen Ink

Tranquillity in Nature’s Domain

April 11, 2023
By Lisa-Mary-Paul PLATINUM, Copenhagen, Other
Lisa-Mary-Paul PLATINUM, Copenhagen, Other
47 articles 31 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
BeYOUtiful ✨

In nature's arms, I'm cradled tight

Away from worries, pain, and fright.

Each step I take, a burden lifts

And all the world's confusion sifts

The rustling leaves. Like whispered words.

From trees that sway like dancing birds

A symphony of sound and light

That fills my soul with pure delight.

The fragrant flowers like sweet perfume

They scatter petals like a plume.

A tapestry of colour, hue,

That paints my world with something new.

The glistening stream. A silver thread.

That winds and flows like life ahead

Its waters clear, like crystal glass,

A mirror for the world to pass.

Like secrets waiting to be kissed

In nature's vastness, I'm consumed.

By something bigger. Unrestrained. Groomed.

A force that heals, and makes me whole

And lifts me up, and soothes my soul.

Its gentle touch like soothing rain

That washes away my pain.

The sun. The moon. The sky above.

Like endless beacons of hope and love.

A guiding light, that shows the way

Through life's twists and turns, come what may.

In nature's embrace, I find my place.

A space where I can rest, and face

The world outside, with strength and grace,

And find my path. With nature's pace.

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