Ocean Invaders | Teen Ink

Ocean Invaders

May 1, 2023
By 31fohey BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
31fohey BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

beneath the waves, a world unknown

a place of beauty to call our own.

but man has wrote a tragic tale,

with species lost and habitats frail.


invaders come from lands afar,

and wreak destruction with each bar.

a menace to the ocean floor,

they spread their reach even more.


but can we stop this tide of change,

and heal the wounds that we exchange?

Could the answer lie within?

to shift the tide and start again.


for in the end, we are but guests,

in a world that we must coalesce.

with nature’s balance, we must align,

and heal the wounds that we’ve designed.

The author's comments:

With lines from “Can We Control Marine Invaders by Eating Them” by Guia Baggi, A Pulitzer Center Reporting Project

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