Brownie- Poetry About Pet Grief | Teen Ink

Brownie- Poetry About Pet Grief

May 20, 2023
By JhoannaHernandez BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
JhoannaHernandez BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the depths of sorrow's embrace, I find solace,

For my heart weeps in the absence of my dear Brownie,

A loyal Shih Tzu, my companion, my confidant,

Whose departure leaves a void I struggle to bear

Oh, Brownie, with your gentle eyes and tender paws,

You etched your presence upon the tapestry of my life,

Your name, a melody upon my lips, but Nuni, my sweet girl,

It was the essence of your spirit that truly defined you

Through days adorned with the sun's golden glow,

And nights veiled in the embrace of a silent moon,

You pranced by my side, a faithful companion,

Inseparable, as destiny intertwined our souls.

Your Star Wars shirt, oversized upon your petite frame,

Brought smiles and laughter, a testament to your charm,

But it was your unwavering love, your unwavering devotion,

That embraced me through the battles of life's storm.

Now I come home to silence, no more paws chattering on the kitchen floor,

You, my dear Nuni, stood guard with protective fervor,

With every wag of your tail and every gentle nudge,

You reminded me of the boundless love we shared

Now, as tears cascade down my weary cheeks,

I mourn the loss of your presence, so tender and sweet,

The girl's best friend, a treasure beyond measure,

Whose absence has left my heart incomplete.

But, dear Brownie, as I bid you a tearful farewell,

I find solace in the memories of the almost eleven years we had,

For you, my Nuni were more than a pet, more than a friend,

You were the embodiment of love, in its purest form.

So, I will honor you, my girl, with each passing day,

By treasuring the love we shared, forever and every day,

For grief may linger, heavy upon my heart,

But your picture shall forever be in my locket 

The author's comments:

This poem is about my dog Brownie who passed away in October of 2022. I am a senior at West Orange High School. I will be attending Michigan State University in the fall of 2023. 

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