Thoughts that go through your head when you see a stranger | Teen Ink

Thoughts that go through your head when you see a stranger

August 10, 2023
By Rosh_Gopal SILVER, New York, New York
Rosh_Gopal SILVER, New York, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thinking about that cold day in January makes me feel sick.

It was raining too by the way. But that doesn’t matter.

I was running down West st and when I saw you my first thought was who is that.

I wanted to stop you and ask but quickly realized that only a 

crazy person would do that-But if I ignore you, you’ll think I’m rude. Oh what to do?

And this stupid rain keeps hitting my head so I can’t think, but 

Oh my god, you’re looking at me.

God this is awkward. I don’t believe in god. You must think I’m a psychopath. 

I mean who just stares at someone

else. Your hat is green. Maybe you're a Celtics fan. 

Oh no, I’m wearing a Knicks jersey now you’ll 

definitely hate me. 

Oh-you're finally looking away, 

maybe I should too. And by the way, my shoes are looking very shoey today and the ground is very groundy. 

After an eternity you finally pass me and I feel a sense of relief. I continue down the path; but what if your still looking at me, what if your looking at  me right now thinking good thing I’ll 

never see that crazy kid again. 

I turn around, just to make sure but 

Oh my god, you’re looking       right      back     at       me, 

And I’m caught in your gaze. I feel like one of those fish trapped in a net. God I hate fish.

I thought I didn’t believe in god. Oh what the heck-I don’t even know and this point

but you’re still looking at me so I quickly turn my head, and my feet slosh through the wet

ground, constantly trying not to fall, until I can’t hear yours anymore.

If I see you again I might just accidentally run into the 


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