Random person on the street are you ok. | Teen Ink

Random person on the street are you ok.

August 10, 2023
By Rosh_Gopal SILVER, New York, New York
Rosh_Gopal SILVER, New York, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Random person on the street are you ok. If 

I talk to you will you ignore me and walk away. Would 

that be considered rude. You are the first person I’ve seen 

all day using a cane. Is a cane better than a wheelchair.

What happened. Did you fall down the stairs on your way 

to work. Did you fight in a war. Did you decide it wasn’t 

worth it and came home. Have you ever killed anyone. 

Was it self defence. Was it revenge. Are you broken. 

Where do broken people go to get fixed. Do they go to 

the hospital. Is that where you were going. Did you get 

lost in the park. Are you lost. Are you going to the hospital. 

Are they going to fix your leg. Are you hurt. If I look at you 

will you hit me. If I ignore you will you notice it. WIll you be 

sad. Would anyone ever talk to you. Are you alone. Do 

you struggle to move. Are you weak. If you fell would it 

hurt. What would be the easiest way to kill you. Should 

I just let old age take you. I could push you into the street. 

Which would you feel more. Random person on the street is

your name Jeff or Rex. Are you good or bad. Should I 

leave you alone. Do you want me to say hi. Maybe I

should walk away. Maybe I will see you tomorrow. I’ll look 

for you tomorrow.

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