patron saint | Teen Ink

patron saint MAG

August 31, 2023
By per PLATINUM, Spartanburg, South Carolina
per PLATINUM, Spartanburg, South Carolina
40 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am not young enough to know everything" - Oscar Wilde

I want to creep into your life

like sunlight through half-lidded blinds.

the settled dust on your bookshelf, and the unfinished projects

in your basement. to see my toothbrush

next to yours, and my cardigans smelling

of melted wax and pomegranate. your empty gum wrappers in my trash bin, your grin

in every curved line I etch.
the atmosphere pale

and cool, each breath quivering,

with your eyes crisp
in the autumn dusk.

to be your patron saint

on scabbed knees,

brushing the fallen leaves
off your hair,

I’ll dig the crucifix out from
my closet and

tie it around my neck. and when
i come over,
I’ll feed your houseplants and

when I leave I’ll sweep my footprints off of your chalky front porch.

your god watches us from the rusted backyard swing,


The author's comments:

- p.e.r

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