Places of Life | Teen Ink

Places of Life

September 27, 2023
By 4jarvis GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4jarvis GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was a desert newborn, splashing in a pool

no worries at all, spending the day in the sun 

feeding the geese stale bread from the week before

I was a small town kid, going on adventures daily

covered in grease, sitting atop a horse 

biking from one side of town to the other

I was a big city teen, finding the hate in the world

forced to stay within the gates of the neighborhood

sitting with my family, waiting out a hurricane

Now I worry,

about my future and what it holds

Now I remember, 

the kid I used to be and her happiness

Now I feel,

the pressures of life and adulthood

Next, I will live in the moment

Next, I will enjoy where I am, and forget how I got there

Next, I will let my life guide me to my future.

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