Nothing But Snow | Teen Ink

Nothing But Snow

October 20, 2023
By 4hull GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin
4hull GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The snowflakes the size of ping pong balls engulfed me as I rode the lift up the mountain. The bright green trees covering the sides of the mountain created a maze as the white trails would snake throughout the trees.

The snow flakes weakening the visibility throughout the whole mountain as if a blanket was tossed over the mountain by a giant.

Board cutting through the powder like butter swallowing my feet in the light fluff. This day couldn’t have been any better. Dark green pine trees towered over me keeping me on the white road.

I felt the positive green energy coursing through my body.
I felt the wind brushing against my cheeks.
I felt each snowflake hit the tip of my nose.

A sea of people at the bottom. The lift; a single file line chair after chair. People talking, laughing, having a good day. Repeats the endless cycle of flow in nature. The snow is an endless white screen.

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