Who are the children | Teen Ink

Who are the children

October 24, 2023
By MacoroniNoodlez GOLD, Lakeville, Minnesota
MacoroniNoodlez GOLD, Lakeville, Minnesota
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”- anonymous

Who are the kids I’ve grown up with 

Who are we if not awake till 3 in the morning 

Finishing homework that we know we'll get a bad score on

Because, god, how could we focus?

Police buttons in our classrooms,

Resource officers roaming the halls,

Bulletproof pull-out walls to cover our doors. 

1 drill a month, practicing huddling in corners and staying silent

Suicide hotline numbers are written on our student id’s because 

The school knows they aren’t doing a good job. 

It’s getting announcements that there was a student who tragically passed away

Who are these happy kids I grew up with

We are all slugging away at the goal of making 

It through the day

Starving, harming, and neglecting our bodies

Painting our bodies like it is an art class

We’re ruining ourselves over grades and sports

I’m watching the end.

At least it feels like it.

The author's comments:

I've missed 40 days of school already- someone needs to like force me to go.

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