Life’s Beauties | Teen Ink

Life’s Beauties

November 7, 2023
By mathews13 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
mathews13 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What makes life beautiful?

Yawning, he glances out his window

and catches the vibrant sunrise.

She sips her coffee before slipping outside

to test the day’s temperature.

What makes life beautiful?

He steps outside;

his favorite jacket greeting the crips air.

Popping an earbud in, she

hops onto the train.

What makes life beautiful?

He receives a text and


She closes her phone and looks around

observing others on the train.

What makes life beautiful?

He catches the elevator and 

greets his coworkers.

She grabs her pen – the purple one of course –
and gets to work.

What makes life beautiful?

Pulling on his jacket, he walks out of the cafe. 

“Have a nice day,” the cashier chirps.

She sinks her teeth into the pasta.

A quick squirm of joy escapes her.

What makes life beautiful?

Satisfied, he shuts his laptop 

and walks home. 

“I like your shoes,”

she tells a girl on the train. 

What makes life beautiful?

He sits at the restaurant and spots her. 

He pulls out her chair for her. 

She relaxes into the chair.

A whisper of pink appears on her cheeks.

What makes life beautiful? 

With a nervous chuckle he asks,

“How was your day?”

Delighted, she replies,

“It was beautiful.”

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