The Shadow That Lurks | Teen Ink

The Shadow That Lurks

January 22, 2024
By MacoroniNoodlez GOLD, Lakeville, Minnesota
MacoroniNoodlez GOLD, Lakeville, Minnesota
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”- anonymous

I know I’m the youngest and the center of attention

But most of the time I’m not

I am a shadow on the wall, listening and hearing

Only missing me when I’m gone

I know I’m loud and an attention seeker

But most of the time I'm not

I am gum-stuck under a desk, observing and seeing

You only miss me when you are bored.

I know I'm rude and defensive

but most of the time I'm not 

I am a rope constantly holding people up

You only miss me when I break

The author's comments:

I often feel people take people for granted. It's human, I get it, but check in on people. 

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