Practice | Teen Ink


February 27, 2024
By 2027144 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2027144 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pass the round black and white ball. Touch with each movement there seems to be no end in sight. The bad shot is always there, Bad passes replay in my head, Going over my plays knowing that 

Practice will always make it perfect.

Going to practice, Day after day, Reseeing plays, Working on the perfect pass, again and again. Because I know Practice will always make perfect.

Practicing shots, Over and over, Different spots, Each shot is different, too high, Too far, Or Just right. Again and again. I keep going because 

Practice will always make perfect.

After my last game knowing I could have done better, Some practice has paid off, Better passes. People can notice, Coaches have said good work. proving some practice has paid off. I am motivated to keep going, More practice more days

Great passes better shots.

Practice will always make perfect. 

A game today, High hopes are held, Hoping the practice and effort will pay off

Stepping onto the field, Previous losses in mind. Getting the ball a good touch.

Looking for teammates As you move up the field, Good pass.

Again and again. Good plays are being made.

After a good game it shows practice will always make perfect.

After the game, Rewatching plays, The better touches along with Better shots at the goal, In the goal or not. Better passes play through. I can see it with each touch.

Practice will always make perfect. 

Seeking the wins, Practicing again and again. More touches, more passes

Better and better. Day after day knowing it takes time. But its all worth it because 

Practice makes perfect.

The author's comments:

how practice affects me and encourages me 

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on Mar. 15 at 1:05 pm
avery2027 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 7 comments