Maybe a Chance | Teen Ink

Maybe a Chance

March 1, 2024
By aydria SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
aydria SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
¨In order to go somewhere in life, you must leave home.¨

When you walk into a field of various flowers

You may see thousands of different colors

You may see hundreds of different flowers

Each one blooms from a stem rooted in the ground

You’ll walk along the path and notice the beauty of each one

The way they stand so perfectly straight

Leaves decorate the green stem leading to the top

Not a bent petal in sight

Bright red, white, they could even be pink

Maybe if you looked at one more you would see another just like it

Maybe not as perfect as the one before

Maybe the stem doesn't stand as straight as the others

Maybe the leaves along the stem make it look ruined

Maybe the thorns on the outside look a little bit rough

The petals might be a little faded and crinkled

You would look back at the flower before

You wouldn't have a second thought before plucking it to take home

For the benefit of beauty

To keep in a vase for someone else to admire

Only to die in a few days

Only for you to find out it wasn't worth it after all

But if you gave the other flower a chance to shine in the sun

It would bloom, colors shining bright

It would stand up tall like the others

It would prove that you were wrong to judge by its looks

You may have walked out of the field of flowers feeling lucky to have found

Though only if you gave that flower a chance

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