IM FINE… ok | Teen Ink


April 18, 2024
By 5mueller BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
5mueller BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With lines from: "A Dad and His Teenager Are Talking Openly About Suicide. And They Say Your Family Should Too" by Deepa Fernandes, Ashley Locke, Julia Corcoran, and Grace Griffin, A Pulitzer Center Reporting Project


17 years old, how am I still here?

I gave myself till sixteen in middle school with the blade on my arm.

Telling no one what was happening to me. 

I got pushed around and beaten by the kids in the class. 

Mental health crisis is what they were talking about in class that day… 

Drugs, alcohol and cutting isn’t the answer they said…

As I look at my wrist that I cover with my big oversized black hoodie.

I look around at all my peers.

They don’t care…

They wouldn’t care if I died…

What would they do if their name was in my letter?

As a tear falls to my face the teacher gives me a worried look.

She pulls me aside after class…

I’M FINE… ok 

Is all I could say, but she cared, she actually cared.

I went home and pondered to myself should I tell my mom… 

Living in this countless darkness I turn to the light.

I’m sitting here 17 years old with scars on my body but I’m happy…

17 years old, I’m glad I’m still here.  

The author's comments:

I’m Hannah M. Growing up I didn’t have the best life with school and home in middle school, specifically 6th grade… life was awful, well at least I thought it was… I got pushed around… got shoved into locker… just like the movies literally. But no one cared for me I had to move schools because the counselors and principal started to blame me for coming in the office with my issues. So I decided I wasn’t worth living anymore. I thought no one would even bat an eye if they heard I was dead… but one person cared and that was my teacher the day the health teacher came in and gave us a lecture about suicide. And after that day my life changed forever… I became happy after talking to my mom about my problems and got professional help. This piece is also for the Pulitzer award as well. Where we had to take an article and turn it into a poem. 

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