I love. | Teen Ink

I love.

May 16, 2024
By 90536 BRONZE, Timanth, Colorado
90536 BRONZE, Timanth, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is just one big performance.

 I love...

I love the big blaring stage lights,

On my smiling face,

Blinding me,

As I dance and sing,

 I can feel my smooth hair whip around me,

The stage floor groaning under my tired feet,

The world's a stage.

I love my family,

Waking up to see them everyday,

Tasting my parents wonderful delicious food,

Hearing my siblings play,

Our blue house laughing at the jokes my brother makes,

With their hearts of gold.

I love my cat,

Seeing his cute little white boots of fur,

Hearing his soft purrs,

Soft like a cloud,

Smelling his specific kitty scent.

I love every kind of books,

As I scour the pages reading each and every line,

Imagining what happens as I go along,

The book talks to me,

 I smell the fresh new pages.

I love music.

Hearing the harmonies of my classmates,

My fingers are floating feathers,

Feeling the beat by,

Tapping my toes, and counting the beats,

My clarinet singing the notes.

I love school,

Hearing the loud school bell ring,

Seeing my friends everyday,

Smelling the scent of each textbook, and metal locker I open,

Learning something new everyday.

I love my friends,

Laughing at their jokes,

Comforting their emotions,

Them comforting mine,

Happy as clams.

I love art

Hearing the smooth graphite,

As I fill the page,

With my thoughts,

Seeing the results,

Of my work.

The pencils smile as they see their hard work.

I love writing

Coming up with stories,

That I can express,

My emotions,

To create different perspectives,

And people,

Tell me their thoughts as I create them,

I feel their emotions as I write,

My creative hand is the imagination.


I love my life,

Everything in it,

All of my hobbies,

All of my friends,

All of my family,

I love everything that makes me, me.

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