Cows Have Best Friends Too | Teen Ink

Cows Have Best Friends Too

May 21, 2024
By il0v3h0tdads GOLD, Springboro, Pennsylvania
il0v3h0tdads GOLD, Springboro, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maybe forever was meant for memories. Not people

In fields of green, where wildflowers sway,
Cows graze all day, in a peaceful way.
Their best friends by their side, they play,
In the sunshine, every single day.

The cows have bonded, heart to heart,
Their friendship will never depart.
They share their joys, their fears, their dreams,
And make each other's lives more serene.

With moos and bleats, they communicate,
Their friendship is truly elate.
They help each other, through thick and thin,
And never leave each other's side within.

Their friendship is pure, and true,
A bond that will forever shine through.
So let us cherish, these friendships of cows,
For they teach us love, in all its bows.

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