A Seasonal Time Lapse | Teen Ink

A Seasonal Time Lapse

May 28, 2024
By nibba_pig BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
nibba_pig BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winter arrives with a frosty breath, casting a spell upon the world. With each delicate snowflake it paints our world like a brush to a canvas. Its ice cold touch slows the time, but invites cozy moments alongside the fire. Winter upon its zenith cries both snowy and rainy tears, but don’t be scared there is nothing to fear. It's the call of its last cry before the sun rises and winter begins fleeing till next year. Then summer arrives with its scorching heat, putting a flame to the world. With each minute comes more heat, like the world’s in an oven on preheat. Its burning touch causes burns and redness, but invites cool moments by the pool. Summer upon its zenith lets out its last painful scream to be burned, but don't be concerned. It's the call of its last cry before the sun sets and summer begins fleeing till next year. 

The author's comments:

it is sigma

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