Father’s Day Narrative | Teen Ink

Father’s Day Narrative

June 17, 2024
By TrailMapper BRONZE, Katy, Texas
TrailMapper BRONZE, Katy, Texas
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

In the glade, where nature dances free,
Amidst the forest's verdant sea,
There lies a story yet untold,
Of a father brave and bold.

Behold the lion, fierce and proud,
With mighty mane and roar endowed,
He guards his cubs with strength untamed,
Ensuring their future stays unchained.

The penguin, a devoted soul,
Braving frigid winds, a noble goal,
He shelters his eggs beneath icy skies,
With tender love that never dies.

From tree to tree, the great ape swings,
With great care, his love he brings,
He cradles his offspring, oh so dear,
Guiding them devoid of fear.

The mighty eagle, soaring high,
With piercing eyes that never lie,
He teaches his hatchlings how to fly,
To reach for dreams up in the sky.

The elephant, a gentle king,
The deep wisdom to his children he brings,
He safeguards them with love untold,
A father's strength, pure as gold.

Oh, fathers of the animal realm,
Your love transcends, it overwhelms,
From the savanna to the sea,
You exemplify true nobility.

On this special day, we honor you,
With gratitude and reverence true,
For the lessons learned from your embrace,
In every creature, every place.

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