A Soldier's War | Teen Ink

A Soldier's War

June 20, 2024
By Anne_Rojas BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Anne_Rojas BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The echoing sound of the alarms welcomes the morning

accompanied by the voices of the men,

yelling and crying, becoming victims of reality 

nothing changes, all becomes monotony 

nothing changes, all quiet in the front lines.

Once enlisting seemed like a honor

but now it has become a horror,

For a lot of time our teachers told us to enlist

they say there is  nothing greater than fighting for the nation,

we were called the “Iron Youth”

which a nation would emerge upon. 

But at the end of day, these were plain words

with no meaning behind,

because it is easy for them to talk in these wars

when they don’t know about pain,

when they don’t have to worry about living another day,

when they don’t know about leaving our hearts behind

for those who with all their prayers and hopes are waiting for us,

when they don’t know how at the eyes of those in charge 

we are simple soldiers who can be replaced at any moment.

Just give them a dead soldier’s uniform 

How would they know that it was torn up from my dead body?

I am too far in a battlefield 

for someone to hear the words from a cold body.

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