Train of Thought, Rain of Naught | Teen Ink

Train of Thought, Rain of Naught

June 22, 2024
By nathaneskinazi BRONZE, Bogota, Other
nathaneskinazi BRONZE, Bogota, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Call me an adventurer, 

Not an emperor, Bonaparte. 

Friendships blown apart

Brothers grown apart

I’m shown a part

Of my own city that I forgot

My phone’s not heard

Sorry, had to change my number. 

Motherland and


Sorry to bother, man

He’s like a brother, fam

Unlike that other man

And I’d rather slam

That door like a clam,

And spam 

On the message program;

Television webcam, 

 No more fam

On this side of the Pan-


I want my patrie

Cheese in the pantry

Of a home in the trees

Writing journal entries

About my misdeeds

‘Tis shameful, indeed

In summer, a red tee, 

I don’t use golf tees

Something I don’t fancy;

Would give me anxiety.

Though through 

thorough thought, 

I sought a trough

In waves so rough

That brought 

Me somewhere, never enough.

Like a brain trick

Red brick, white brick, 

gray brick. 

Missed free-kick.

A bit home-sick, 

But nowhere to go; 

Match goes click

Fire up the eighth candlewick

Melted star on the necklace

Destroyed by politics.

Nowhere to run, 

Split Samaritans

French American

Quiche, burger bun

Turn all the lights on

Stadium, anthem, squad

Who’s my team? Double caveat

Feeling, and life got

To this rain of naught

Thanks for following

My train of thought.

The author's comments:

I attempted to follow one expression or word and derive many lines from it, to replicate the way my thoughts can run through my head. 

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