Down Under | Teen Ink

Down Under

July 11, 2024
By Anonymous

The blue of the ocean, the SOUND of the waves,

The b̾r̾i̾g̾h̾t̾ yellow sun and the colored coral caves.

The radiance of hues, the distinctive shades of pink,

The feel of the ship, my feet on the brink.

Splashing in the coolness, the feeling of delight,

All the little fish, with their rainbows in the light.

My underwater camera, and the clicks of my pics,

My fingers turning pruney, and the big fish’ little kicks.

As I step back on the ship and feel the breeze of wind,

The rocking of the boat and the little fish that grinned.

The crashing of the waves, the 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕝 of the boat,

The sound of the whistle, and my spirit still ≋a≋f≋l≋o≋a≋t≋.

The author's comments:

I, an aspiring businesswoman filled with logic and fact, still find a sense of interactiveness and surrealism through the expression of words and art. I wrote this poem as an embodiment of my appreciation as such. This particular poem is about my venture into the Great Barrier Reef and the real-time observations that I made. I cherish the experience to this day and wish for others to gain a taste of it, too, if they wish :)

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