The Scarlet Child | Teen Ink

The Scarlet Child

July 22, 2024
By Anonymous

In the cradle of the Stafford,
I was born, a wild wonder untamed,
Beside Hester, my mother,
Yet bound by a letter, forever named.
A child of nature, I roamed free,
Among the trees, the flowers, the breeze,
Each leaf, each bird, whispered secrets to me,
In their midst, I found my ease.
But as I grew, the scarlet mark intrigued,
A dark red mystery upon her breast.
In fleeting moments when it disappeared, perplexed,
Lost, searching for the one I loved best.
Mother's heart, a mystery veiled,
Beneath the cloth, her secrets lie,
The letter's weight, her spirit jailed,
Yet beneath it, I saw her sigh.
As time passed, I grew,
And the world beckoned beyond our gate,
With dreams and hopes, I journeyed,
Leaving behind my Hester's fate.
Through forests dense and rivers wide,
I sought my place, my truth, my own,
With each step, I felt Hester's stride,
In my veins, her courage shine.
Though scarlet shadows still lingered,
In the corners of my wandering mind,
I embraced the world, brave, undaunted,
By the letter that once defined.
Now as I stand on distant shores,
Reflecting on the path I've trod,
I carry with me, forevermore,
The essence of Hester, is the love of God.

The author's comments:

After reading the book The Scarlet Letter, this poem emerged as a poignant reflection on Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne. It captures Pearl's journey from her wild, untamed beginnings in nature, where she finds solace amidst the trees and birds, to her growing curiosity about the scarlet letter's dark mystery. As she matures, Pearl perceives her mother's hidden strength beneath the weight of societal shame and embarks on her path of self-discovery. Ultimately, the poem portrays Pearl embracing her identity, shaped by Hester's resilience and love, while bravely facing the world beyond.

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