turn to stone | Teen Ink

turn to stone

December 4, 2009
By melodyinmyhead BRONZE, Candyland, Ohio
melodyinmyhead BRONZE, Candyland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

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what color skinny jeans did i wear on friday? Blue... Okay thanks,i love you! What?! nothing bye!!

i always thought
there would be more
there isnt.
there is only you and me.
you are my black-winged angel
int he place where we once were
there falls a shadow
blocking out the stars.
the clouds rush in so the rain can come
your arms are around me
your wings open
you shelter me
i am safe.
i remember the day
that the heavens opened
you became my fallen angel.
claiming darkness grew inside you
you ran from me.
but you came back
now we soar in the empty sky.
we will reign forever
in the lands
from which we came.
until humanity
dies out.
until all the world
turns to stone...
we will be together.

The author's comments:
um... i had a fight with the guy i fell in love with. it made me think about all the reasons i fell for him in the first place...so i wrote this.

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on Jan. 10 2010 at 8:36 pm
ofpaintedroses GOLD, Berne, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 82 comments

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&quot;How long is forever?&quot;<br /> &quot;Sometimes just one second.&quot;

shelby!!!! you rock!!! omg i love you, dear if u ever stop writing i will...idk die!