A friend | Teen Ink

A friend

January 7, 2010
By Pantophobia SILVER, Stoutsville, Ohio
Pantophobia SILVER, Stoutsville, Ohio
8 articles 6 photos 3 comments

Ever feel alone,
Even when you are in a crowd of 30 million people,
Like no one understands you,
You look around and and you don't don't understand why your different,
Why your not excepted,
Even though these are the people who say that they except everyone,
You are still alone,
Until that one person steps in,
The one person who has compassion,
Who listens to you,
Even takes the time to understand you,
Make time to make you smile,
Never to leave you,
The person who changed everything,
The person who let you know that you are not alone

The author's comments:
my best friend(:

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