A painting for you | Teen Ink

A painting for you

April 9, 2010
By jennys_daughter93 BRONZE, Southaven, Mississippi
jennys_daughter93 BRONZE, Southaven, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wanna paint something
something I have never painted before
I will use color
and emotion
I'll use this brush and that.
I'm gonna paint a place for you
and me
I'm gonna drag my brush across the sky.
I will set the sun for you
and when its casted out of its picture
I'll throw in some stars
across that black tarp of a sky
I'll make it shine
like your eyes
I'll make it almost perfect.
For you
I'll need blue
and a moon
a golden ball in our tarp black sky
I tug and pull until it sits outside your window.
Stars will connect to make pictures
pictures of hearts
and more
I'll give you a brush
so you can paint with me
I'll paint you gorgeous green grass
soft to the touch
we can lye in it
feel it in between our fingers
I'll paint a sun
I'll pull it close to us
so we can feel warm
I'll paint a lake
crystal clear and peaceful
here we can dip our feet
and splash a play
I will paint drops of water here and there on you and I
I will paint butterflies
like those in my tummy
I will paint them fluttering around us
I will paint a smile on your face
and a smile on mine
I will paint my hand in yours
and I will paint myself
myself where ever you are
I will always be painted there
any picture
my brush will dip itself into gold
blue and rose red
golden streaks for my hair
and blue for my eyes
and there I will be
for you
anywhere you are
I will paint us
in a sunset world
a world painted for you and I
me and you
my painting,
our painting.
Because I want to paint something-

The author's comments:
This poem was written for and inspired by douglas s. the guy who changed my life and halped me become the person i strive to be. He has been here for me as long as i can remember. Douglas i am not sure if i love you but i when im around you i feel amazed.

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