I Could Like You | Teen Ink

I Could Like You

April 9, 2010
By Rachel M. GOLD, Magnolia, Ohio
Rachel M. GOLD, Magnolia, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I don't know if I like you- but I know I could.
All the pieces and parts are there necessary for me to fall in.
You're funny
and cute
and sweet
and nice
and yet...
There's something that keeps me hanging back.
It's a bona fide case of “it's me, not you”
so don't worry.
Sometimes, I just take awhile to come around.
It's stupid, I know.
It's just that I get scared.
I know what it's like to have someone you trust
walk away
and leave you broken, lying on the ground.
And now, my head tries to take control and blockade my heart from feeling “too much”.
Luckily, I have great powers of persuasion and I think I can talk my logically cautious self down.
So, if you don't mind waiting, would you stick it out?
I really want to see where this thing goes.
And who knows?
I could like you.

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