Risks . | Teen Ink

Risks .

May 29, 2010
By ShayMcl SILVER, Ocala, Florida
ShayMcl SILVER, Ocala, Florida
7 articles 4 photos 2 comments

If it's your life that is at stake ,
then why take such a risk .
couldn't you let it be ;
couldn't you let her go ,
why could you never watch her walk away ,
it hurts true yes it will ,
can't you just let her be ,
won't you just let her go ;
Does it hurt so bad that you will risk all ,
all for one who does not care ,
all for the loss of love ,
she does not love you so ,
but why , why should you chase her ,
you follow her as she walks away ,
and love her as she loves another ,
you hurt her over and over ,
once she gives up ,
you give in .
Why have you not learned ,
why can you now live without now ,
why does it kill you that she's leaving you ,
you'll risk your life for her ,
when she wouldn't risk a thing for you ,
she holds your child ,
she holds your heart ,
as she walks away ,
with nothing holding her back
you risk it all ,
she does not care .

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