Love Forever | Teen Ink

Love Forever

May 24, 2010
By snaidu BRONZE, South Barrington, Illinois
snaidu BRONZE, South Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dark eyes looked over as deep as the sea,
walking over, step after step I gazed
at his person, my heart was amazed.
He slipped out some words melodiously,
"Would you like to share this dance with me?"
Shocked, I said yes while he was being praised
by the elders, and all the girls had crazed
looks in their eyes, as they expressed jealousy.
In a matter of seconds, three hours
went by. The clock struck midnight, and everyone
cheered, it was the start of the new year. Our
story, our journey, our life has begun.
After many years have gone by, the power
of our love has stayed strong. Memories woven
together, looking back at life that bloomed as a flower.

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