lindsey's poem | Teen Ink

lindsey's poem

June 21, 2010
By jerrell SILVER, Millbrook, Alabama
jerrell SILVER, Millbrook, Alabama
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

: : : : :
When I'm around you, my heart skips beats.
When you touch me, inside bounces like the Miami Heats. ((lol))
Everytime you say I love you, I fall in love with you a little more.
I wanna stay with you forever, not just be a girl next door.
I want to show you how much I love you; more than any other girl you've known.
I'm not like them, they childs; I'm more grown.
The love I'mma give you is like nothing they ever thought of.
The amount of time I'll love you is forever and all, it will be above.
You are my soul, you are my heart.
I've loved you from the very start.

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