This Is She | Teen Ink

This Is She

August 30, 2010
By Abby Lane BRONZE, Vero Beach, Florida
Abby Lane BRONZE, Vero Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am that girl.
Every day I stand there,
watching your face as you read yet another poem.
I see it in your eyes that you like it,
I see it in your eyes that you don't even consider that it could be about someone you know.
Every day I stand there,
watching your face as you read yet another story.
I see it in your eyes that you like it,
I see it in your eyes that you don't even consider that it could be about someone near you.
Every day I stand there,
watching your face as you read yet another poem.
I see it in your eyes that you like it,
I see it in your eyes that you don't even consider that it could be about someone in your youth group.
Every day I stand there,
watching your face as you read yet another story.
I see it in your eyes that you like it,
I see it in your eyes that you don't even consider that it could be about someone in your small group.
Every day I stand there,
watching your face as you read yet another poem.
I see it in your eyes that you like it,
I see it in your eyes that you don't even consider that it could be about someone you talk to daily.
Every day I stand there,
watching your face as you read yet another story.
I see it in your eyes that you like it,
I see it in your eyes that you don't even consider that it could be about the girl standing right in front of you.
Today I stand here,
watching your face as you read one line.
I see it in your eyes that you are confused,
I see it in your eyes as you finally consider that it could be about me.

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